
Showing posts from October, 2016

Installation of Android Studio

Installation of Android Studio Hey Fellas, today we will be learning how to install android studio. Now let’s jump to the discussion. As a   mobile   developer, the Android SDK is an integral part of your development environment, and as such it’s important for new developers to know how to download and install Android SDK or, the more popular, Android Studio. The main difference between the two is package size, and features. The Android SDK is the bare bones version of the package and it doesn’t include either of the two IDEs (interactive development environments): Android Studio or Eclipse. Android Studio includes its own IDE as well as a second IDE, known as Eclipse. If you elect to download Android Studio, on the other hand, your package will contain both IDEs, as well as the Android SDK. How to Install Android Studio? Before we get started, you’ll need to ensure that you have installed JDK 6 or higher (JDK7 is required for An...

Android Studio Project Structure

Android Studio Project Structure Hey Fellas I am right back for one more blog on Android Development for Beginners. As I said it in the previously, in this blog we’ll see the Android Project Structure, how it is arranged and so on. Android application development is never been easy due to its raw nature and rapid growth and changes to platform. Earlier Eclipse was the only IDE used for android development. Eclipse is developed and maintained by open source alliance. But Nowadays we have a variety of IDE’s in the market for Android Development. By the launch of Android Studio on 15 th may 2013, Android development looks promising with the introduction of Android Studio IDE. Android Studio is an IDE based on IntelliJ IDEA that is used for android application development. This tool has more option that will enable developers to speed up application development. Gradle Based Build System: 1.     Android Studio is an IDE based on IntelliJ IDEA that use...

Hello World (No Programming)

Android Development Hey fellas its been a while from the last post. Some you might though I have stopped writing android blog, what a relief !!!! In  last two blogs we have seen some theoretical concepts regarding Android Development. In this blog we'll directly jump into some sort of easy programming and how to create an Android Project or Android Application.  So today we'll see how the basic HELLO WORLD application is created..... Lets get Started... Just go through the steps mentioned in my blog simultaneously if possible. Step 1: Hit the android studio and get started.             when you start Android Studio you will get a popup asking you whether you want to start a new project or open existing project or import existing project. Click New Project. After you clicked on the New Project, you will see the pop-up window as below In the above window you'll be asked the following contents I) Application...

Android Development (The Beginning)

Android Development Hey reader,  Thanks for visiting my first blog in this series of Android Development. Here will learn all sort of android programming and some theory related to Android. This is my second post of this series if you want to see my first blog just tap down the list to the of Blog Archive. So here will have a quick recap of what we have seen so far... What is Android? Android Applications Getting All required setup Android IDE's Today will go through some more concept of Android Development before beginning with the actual Android Programming. I know its a boring part but its damn IMPORTANT to see whats actually happening behind the seen. So lets start.... Android History: Development of Android Started in 2003 by , Which was later purchased by Google in 2005 . The history of Android Mobile Operating System began with the release of Alpha  in November 2007 . The First commercial Android Version 1.0 was released i...